The Synthwave Radioshow
w o l f c l u b
best track: infinity
click album cover to listen
wolfclub managed to release two albums in 2018, this one was good and the other was great. you can read the review for 'chasing the storm' later on this page. infinity doesn't quite hit the same heights as the first album of the year, however they did still manage to create a wonderful set of radio-friendly popwave tracks that have given me somewhat of a headache in recent weeks as there are lots to choose from, and my library has limited space!
thriving on simplicity, it seems wolfclub have realised their sound, and will continue to produce catchy pop songs to satisfy the growing number of synth-heads yearning for vocal-driven synthwave.
the first track goes by the name of the album, and it's actually my favourite of the whole album. it pains me to say this but this track a long with the majority of others on this album would sound totally at home on radio 1 if the bbc ever managed to pull their head out of their arses. this style of synthwave really isn't too dissimilar to tracks currently being released by many of the female popstars out there in the so-called mainstream. infinity is actually just a very short verse and chorus that is repeated again before building in to a deep outro, that sort of structure usually turns me off but for some reason i'm drawn to it. they could repeat it thrice more for all I care and it wouldn't deter me from listening to this on an almost daily basis.
things slow down a bit for 'tears' but the quality remains. there's more of a dreamwave feel to this one and the fact it is less pop and slightly older in style may appeal more to the lovers of antique outrun. I particularly warm to the vocals in this track as well. it wouldn't surprise me if wolfclub deem the next track to be the signature piece of the whole album, 'can't stop falling in love'. it does indeed resemble a hard floor-filler that has a bit of a 90's 'kylie' feel to it. although the stop-start melody is catchy, i think the punchy vocals steal the show on this little number.
it's from this point that the differences between this album and its predecessor come to light. tracks of the popwave variety mean you don't always get the most in-depth song structures with wolfclub. however they have been smart by ensuring that the songs hover around the 3 minute mark. it means that the setup of verse chorus verse chorus doesn't get too mundane. as mentioned before, wolfclub have stuck to a system that lacks in introductions and interludes and uses repetition of very catchy verses and even catchier choruses to great success. it may not appeal to the entire synthwave demographic but I buy in to it.
some of the songs aren't particularly stand-out which is the downside to repetition but it's difficult to pick a track that is unlikeable. fortunately, we do get another beauty in the form of 'sway'. i'm reminded of 'man without country' when listening to this, not just the synths and melodies but also the vocals. this track is the only other properly notable track from the album once you get past the first three tracks and perhaps 'the sun lasts forever'. overall, this is an enjoyable ride and although it doesn't grab you quite as much as 'chasing the storm', it is a bold piece of work that boldens the claim that wolfclub are certainly one of the best popwave acts around. part of me wonders if two releases in a year was down to a surplus of tracks at their disposal or whether this second release was rushed. who knows, maybe this is the calm before the proverbial synthwave storm... 8/10 joe ward